Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Fruitcake Jurl

Unbelievable. I finally decided to call my shrink and make an appointment when I realized I was about to get in a fist fight with our mild mannered IT guy and then began to giggle about it to myself then almost started crying over my jacked up e-mails, only to be told by the cold hearted receptionist that I'd have to start over as a new patient, but, oops, there were no new openings for nut jobs!

WTF. How do you tell a crazy person that their doctor can't see them? I think the cuckoos are running the nest because that is just shit-ass crazy. She did suggest I try back in mid-October. Thanks, but by then I'll be wearing a Target sack on my head and telling everyone I'm from planet Blurg-blurg.

What is a crazy jurl to do? Do you know what it takes to start things up with a new shrink? If you do, then you know what bad news this and you also know I will probably just give up and return to my home planet of Blurg-blurg. Where's my Target sack/hat?


RamblingMother said...

go get your hormones checked jurl could be something as easy as a little hormone replacement or enhancement. I know I am batshit crazy off the pill with wide mood swings off and leveled out on it but haven't the money for such a monthly commitment so I will swing widly every month.

Holly Golightly said...

Want me to see if I can get you into mine? Please don't look at me and judge her work. I go so I can talk about myself nonstop for an hour (something that's considered rude in normal friendships) and then ignore all her advice and go do whatever I feel like doing the second I sign the check. So... let me know, and I'll make a call for you. I've had success getting other crazy friends into her on short notice.

Misti D. Mosteller said...

Beverly- you know, that IUD has hormones in it and I havne't been right since then...not that I was right before...

Holly- I might take you up on it. I'm going to make another run at Nancy, but I'll keep you posted.

thanks for the support. Go Blurg-blurg!

Kiki said...

I've got one too I can see if she is taking new patients. She is the best of the 4 or so of these people I have been too. Though you might think she is just too normal and sane. She is the most normal mental health professional I have ever encountered. She isn't a psychiatrist though. My internist prescribes the drugs that make you all (usually) not hate me.