Thursday, June 18, 2009

Ode to Jake by Mommy Jurl

Today my little Tubbs is two years old and so I write for him....

Daddy always said, "We must have two!"
Mommy always said, "No! But I still love you!"
Daddy took advantage of Mommy one night.
To be honest, she didn't put up much of a fight.
9 months she fretted over what'd she do-
Would she, could she as much love you?
Then June 18th finally arrived
into the deepest pool of love your mommy dived.
Your smile, your hair, your chubby cheeks!
Your smell, your laugh, your fat little feets!

From the top of your head to your little nibblet toes.
I love you! I love you! I love you so!

You're a terrible two that's for sure.
But I'm love sick for you and there is no cure.

So happy birthday, little guy!
Your mommy loves you, and that ain't no lie.