Thursday, May 22, 2008

A Jurl and Her Cook

Last night A.I. was chock-a-block full of greatness and sorriness. Let's recap the highs and lows.

It was great to see some of my booted faves back on stage like Brooke, Michael Johns, and Jason Castro. I was glad they all got to sing another song. I can't believe how many tunes the Davids had to belt out while waiting to find out who was the big winner. Brutal.

Their "Hero" duet was lovely, but you could see in their eyes they were so over the musical numbers and ready to be done.

Mike Myers showed up shilling his new movie Guru Pitka. I though it was kind of funny, but also whorey. I did like the look on Scooter's face when Myers made a joke about the wee one making boom boom in his diaper.

Syesha was paired with Seale and her performance proved she was not a contender for the title. She stunk that song up. But Seale was enjoyable.

Jason Castro-ponic sang Hallelujah, again. It was lovely, but I believe he's the only top twelver that sang a song they'd already crooned on the show. Deja vu. I'm sure he told the producers, "Man, my dead brain can't learn any new songs. Anybody want a hit?"

I enjoyed the Donna summer medley though that rocker chick had to have been drunk. She looked like she was having a mild stroke while slurring her words. Ugh. She was terrible. Donna herself looked confused about where she was and what she was doing. And was she wearing tennis shoes?? Such a casual look didn't really go with her big wig or rhinestone mic.

I thought Carly Smithson and Michael Johns rocked the house with "The Letter". They were great together and the show had missed them.

Jimmy Kimmel's comedy bit was funny, but a little stiff. Loved the Simon mean montage.

The boys performed a Bryan Adams medley and it reminded me of two things: 1) how much I love Bryan Adams and 2) how much I hate that stripper guy. I was stoked when Bryan Adams came out because I looooooove him. But, there was an awkward moment where Cook kinda put his arm around Bryan while he was trying to perform. Don't touch B.A. while he's rockin out.

I did not love ZZ Top and Cook's performance because I'm not a Top fan. I just don't get it, but apparently Paula does because she was up dancing to a completely non-danceable song.

Someone please tell me who that goofy bitch was in the gold saran wrap dress they had stationed in Cook's home town? She clearly traumatized Cook's poor old music teacher! Can anybody be an A.I. correspondent?

Brooke singing with ancient Graham Nash was sweet. I'm still a Brookie.

And what would any show be without the Jonas Brothers? They're little squeaky, shiny faces creep me out. Though, I will be watching Camp Rock in June....

O.k, the Asian pimp with the school

Anyway, One Republic and Scooter sang "Apologize" and it was awesome. I love that song anyway, with or without A.I. Even Simon gave a standing O.

Jordan Sparks in a tin foil caftan was b-o-r-i-n-g.

Loved the fake pips with 70s Gladys.

Carrie Underwood is my favorite A.I. champ of all time. She put on a good performance even though that's not my favorite song of hers. I thought she looked beautiful, but for the bat wings on her jacket. She almost tripped on them several times.

The final group-sing was dedicated to George Michael. Again, I was reminded how much I hated that stripper guy. On his part in "Father Figure" he sang, "to be bold and naked, by your side..." Except he whispered naked in a way that made me vomit in my lap.

I was excited when George came out, but his song was kind of weird and so was his face. I think he and Castro-ponic spent some time together before the show.

Just before the big announcement was made, Simon apologized to David Cook for his comments the night before even though they'd been pretty accurate. But I appreciated Simon's attempt to be nice to a nice guy.

Of course, everyone knows David Cook won. I had wanted him to win, but kind of felt bad for Scooter because I think he needed the win more for his career. Still, the better man won.

Thank God it's over. Moving on to "So You Think You Can Dance?"


Anonymous said...

Yea Cookie! The best man totally won! I don't feel bad for Scooter- he (and his lip-licking) bugged the crap out of me every single week! (even though I have to admit he did do well the night before)

I totally agree with most of what you said- except I loved ZZ TOP! I thought that was one of the best performances of the night! And I thought "Hero" was horrible! Cookie sang it really well, but Scooter couldn't keep up. Did you see Cookie laughing at him?! It was great!

I am so glad the top 12 did not try out for SYTYCD- because they clearly cannot dance! And what was up with the rocker/ multi-colored hair scratchy throat chick? She must have been forced to perform, because she looked pissed! (I don't really care, I didn't like her anyway!) I love, love, love Michael Johns- I have really missed him! I like Carly, but she should lay off the black tights. Hate the stripper guy too. I was sad that Chick-queasy didn't wear his orange suit.

Carrie Underwood- what can I say? She was awesome! I like her more and more every time I hear her. And she looked fabulous! That dress she wore was so short- I was a little worried she would show us her hoo-ha.

George Michael was great- his face looks a little weird, but much better than it did when he was on "Eli Stone" (which is a fabulous show- I hope it returns next season). Surprisingly, I really did like the top 12 doing GM's songs- I love those songs! I felt like I was transported back to the 80s- I wanted to put my legwarmers on and get a perm.

I totally thought Donna Summer was wearing some kind of white orthopedic shoes- as the "kids" were helping her down the stairs, then all of a sudden she had some slingback heals on. Very strange.

I expected Scooter to show up on stage with the Jonas Bros.

Jordan Sparks- wasn't looking her best. She has recently had some vocal cord troubles and I heard she was taking steroids for that- maybe that is why she looked kinda swolen? I really hated her dress, though.

Now, what are we going to do until January?


Anonymous said...

is it just me or does brooke have absolutely no sense of rhythm while dancing. i am pretty sure she rode the short bus to the auditorim last night.

Claudia said...

Whew... thanks to a coworker who had the forethought to record the news in case the show ran over, I was able to watch the final moments when Ryan announced the winner. I laughed, I cried. I feel much better now having had closure to my American Idol 2008 journey. The "winning" song sucked, but it's better than "Dream Big" and they are already playing it on XM!! Yay! Can't wait to hear Cook's album.
One last rant... Amanda Overmeyer. oy vey. Her voice and stupid hair are like nails on a chalk board. I CAN'T STAND HER!!! Nuff said.

SYTYCD - That's what we're doing until January!!! Woo-hoo! Fabulous last night.

Jennifer Ortiz said...

I personally TIVO'd the show and fast forwarded until the last five minutes. I couldn't stand the torture :)

Anonymous said...

There was not a moment of the BIG SHOW that I did not love! Okay, I hated the Love Guru stuff, but everything else? I was giddy! And Cookie for the win?? YAAAAAY! I loved the ZZT number too, b/c I love them. I thought it was molten hot, to quote the Dawg. LOVED the show, start to finish.

Did you watch SYTYCD last night? The last dance was crazy good! I am so excited for this season- these kids are, almost w/o exception, phenomenal. Its hard to believe a human body can do what these kids make theirs do. And I LOVE the host, Cat Deeley, she is adorable. Hate most of the judges (or "jidges" as Cat calls them) but the dancers- like buttah! Can't wait to read your dance blogs!

Ps- I also hated the male stripper on the show, I'm so glad he's not on the tour, b/c he doesn't deserve success if he's going to be that all out nasty and cheesy on national TV and hurt my eyes.

Misti D. Mosteller said...

Most of the contestants are rythym challenged. Pretty in Pink and I put on a show yesterday imitating their pitifully choreographed, sadly executed dance moves. You'll have to trust that is was hilarious.

Totally picked up on the black tights Carly was wearing when they were all in red. Of course, she was the only one in black tights that did not go with anything. She is a fashion disaster.

I shall report on SYTYCD shortly. I have to say, that show is like shooting fish in a barrel. also, I plan to research summer tv options and will share my view list with you guys.

MISS S said...

So I have been on your site a couple of times. Your friend V is my friend V, and she was talking about how funny you were on your blog. So she gave me the link! I needed to laugh this morning, so I immediately came to your blog. I feel the same as you do about AI. I cannot get over the nicknames... Scooter and Castro-ponic!! Thanks for the laugh!