Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A Jurl, A Dream, and the Rain

It's raining in Dallas, TX. And it is friggin glorious. We have been living in lava like conditions throughout the month of August and I have just barely survived it. I'm not talking hot like, "Man, it's warm out here." I'm talking hot like "did I wake up on the Sun!?! Am I on fire?!! Did someone pour acid on me then suck the air from my lungs with a siphon?!" And today the nuclear heat has retreated. Thank you, Jesus!

I love Texas, but for June, July, and August. Those three months I loathe the outside, I complain bitterly about my boob sweat, I long for the Fall, I pray for an end to my suffering! Today my prayer has been answered. My boobs are not sweaty.

And school has started. Despite my school years being far, far behind me, I feel both excited and anxious every fall. I also dream I can't find my classroom/locker/clothes. The other night I dreamed I was walking round and round looking for my first period class, but couldn't find it. Finally, I hid in the back of some other class until second period. But of course, I couldn't find that either. Now, does the dream indicate my anxiety for Sam's first day of first grade? Or does it mean I feel lost in my life? Or maybe it means I hate school? Who knows. Who cares! It probably means the last thing I watched was a Target back to school commercial where all the kids were running around looking for their classes. All I know is I love school supplies and cooler temperatures! Giggity, giggity.

Which reminds me, whatever happened to Trapper Keepers? Mine was purple with a Unicorn emblazoned on the front......I was so cool. Have I ever mentioned my unicorn collection???? No? That is so surprising.

Hope you are feeling mild temperatures wherever you are and back to school gives you sweet dreams instead of nightmares!


Anonymous said...

Your fans are demanding that you update your blog. It's been too long! :)

Anonymous said...

Yes Jurl- I need a good laugh... please update!!!

shapewear said...

nice post..