So, instead of bloggin I've been doing other things. I've been painting a bit, redoing a few rooms on the cheap, and I wrote a whole screenplay start to finish! As for the paintings I am too cheap to buy art so I make my own.
I call this one: sunset over the color purple or too cheap to buy the real thing.
I call this one Indian Summer even though we don't really have those in Texas.
I call this one stolen poppies because I ripped off the idea from an artist I found on-line.
Several months ago I stumbled on the website and have gone project crazy! Centsational Girl, CG, is da bomb, baby. If you have a paint, craft, qnd/or project addiction problem, do not go there! You will find yourself sucked into a world craftology, spending every other day at Lowe's or Michael's, and so high from spray paint fumes you start seeing tiny little Justin Bieber's singing Baby, Baby every where you turn. (that last thing is kind of terrifying.)
This was a dooky brown, plain nightstand until CG showed me the magic of silver spray paint and paintable wall paper. Throw in some knobs from Anthropologie, and boo-yah!
This is my new entryway with more cheap art by moi, bejeweled sconces from Z Gallery, and a formerly dooky brown, junky buffet now with a new brushed pearl finish and silver spray painted handles.
Frames are also Z Gallery. Hollywood Regency is my signature style.
The bedroom had some other improvements, but when I went back there to click some pics I realized it looked like a serial killer was in residnece so those will debut another time.
I'm seriously impressed with your craftiness. If the screenplay thing doesn't take, you could sell your paintings or takeover the craft blog market and put Censational girl out of work.
Howdy, TJ! No way can I take down CG, but I appreciate the thought. Would love to sell paintings...I wonder how that happens? I'm waiting for the Art fairy to discover me sitting in my house surrounded by my art.
I'm so glad you are blogging again. I wish I knew sooner! I have you on my reader and follow you on blogger but something is wrong with your feed because it never alerts me when you've updated. Anyways I will check regularly now!
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